sábado, 10 de novembro de 2012

Thanksgiving day - Acção de graças

November is the time to share feelings of thankfulness. O Dia de Ação de Graças, conhecido em inglês como Thanksgiving Day, é um feriado celebrado nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, observado como um dia de gratidão, geralmente a Deus, pelos bons acontecimentos ocorridos durante o ano. Neste dia, pessoas dão as graças com festas e orações.

terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012

It's Halloween!!!

O Halloween é uma festividade que remonta ao povo celta. No dia 31 de Outubro era o dia que marcava o final do Verão e das colheitas e em que se aproximava o Inverno frio e sombrio. Acreditava-se que neste dia os mortos voltavam à terra para tirar o lugar aos vivos. Assim, o povo mascarava-se para assustar os mortos. Actualmente, já não se acredita nesta lenda, mas a tradição de mascarar-se estendeu-se às crianças que batem às portas na noite do 31 de Outubro e dizem "Trick or Treat" (doçura ou travessura).
Sugestões para o Halloween: - Make decorations; - Play apple bobbing; - Make masks and dress up; - Play Who's got the witch's hat; - Sing a songs; - See a scary movie.

segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2012

Get your classroom decorated with charts

(google images)

Classroom rules

"It is obvious that there should be classroom rules. However, these should not be set forth entirely by the teacher. There's no better way to establish classroom rules than to do it with your students'collaboration." (busyteacher.org) (Take a look to classroom rules post)

First lesson

Teachers are getting ready to get started, and students wonder what their teacher's like, and the first thing is obviously to get to know each other. What a better way to start than with a fun ice-breaker.
Check out these websites: http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/ice-breaker_games.htm www.training-games.com/pdf/40FreeIceBreakers.pdf http://www.icebreakergames.org/ http://insight.typepad.co.uk/40_icebreakers_for_small_groups.pdf

Welcome back everyone!

quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012

Board Games

Board games are an excellent activity to practice speaking, listening and reading skills.

domingo, 20 de maio de 2012

Puzzle template

Este puzzle template permite cada aluno criar o seu próprio puzzle com palavras aprendidas em inglês. Serve para treinar vocabulário. Também tem utilidade como activiadade lúdica noutos contextos.

London olympic games 2012

The 2012 Summer Olympic Games will be held in London from 27 July to 12 August 2012, followed by the 2012 Paralympic Games from 29 August to 9 September.

Children's day pictures

Fun Ideas for Children's day / Dia da criança

Bake a cake Bake a special Children's Day cake together. Put some fun decorations on top.

Make a potato print. Cut out a variety of shapes from a potato, dip it in paint and press firmly onto paper to see what masterpieces you can create.

Drawing and storytelling Allow your child to draw and colour anything he or she wants. When finished, ask your child to tell you about his or her picture. Write your child's story and then read it back to him or her.

Give old toys and clothes to charity With your child choose some old toys and clothes to give away to charity so that other children can enjoy them.

Plant a special Children's Day flower or tree How about planting something together in honour of Children's Day? You could enjoy watching it grow Children's Day after Children's Day!

Board game challenge Play your favourite board game in the classroom.
